Celine Poutine as a recap guest please 🙏🏼

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Omg the way Victoria jumped on the massage table was one of my favourite moments of the entire episode! I laughed soooo hard and it is quintessential Parker!! Her physical comedy is gold

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Piper was clearly disgusted by the LBH in the yoga class. She does what most women do in those situations- - a polite smile followed by an eye roll. Young women are forced to smile or get called out for being a snob etc.. And there are so so many entitled LBH out there 🙄🙄🙄

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Yes, but have you MET her family??

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I was so uncomfortable for her during this scene, getting sexualized and ogled in any exercise class is horrible but especially a yoga class Is so gross and inappropriate -- because lot of people go to regular yoga and meditation to get a handle on their sexual desire so that it doesn't consume them and harm others in the process. Is the idea that she is unconsciously repressed, because her family is overly sexualized, so she appears to possibly be taking an opposite extreme, which is chastity, but secretly she was turned on by the ogling?

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Vindicated by my comment of Meghann Fahy's facial acting prowess 🙌🏻🤗💁🏻‍♀️🤪

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Ok having a moment on the characters last names after hearing Sean clarify that it’s “Ratliff” - the last names of the guests are totally painting what the characters are this season!!

Kate Bohr - she’s the boring one (who people don’t remember)

Laurie Duffy - duff = dumb ugly fat friend; which Laurie clearly isn’t but is sort of how she sees herself in her friend group

Jaclyn Lemon - when a car is a lemon, it looks great on the outside but the engine is fucked on the inside

Ratliff - they’re rats (something will be revealed on this further I’m sure)

Rick Hatchett - he’s got to “bury the hatchet” with this vendetta he has with Sritala’s husband (or maybe will use an actual ax to murder someone)

Greg Hunt - he was the hunter but now he’s going to be the one being hunted??

Interestingly, Chelsea hasn’t been given a last name… wonder if that’s a hint 🤔

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I thought Victoria said the babyshower was 10 years ago?

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I think you’re right!

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Yes! She was like “it was 10 years ago, what does she want from me” — I think she could be planning an exit from the US and is upset that someone recognized & placed her in Thailand

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I related to Victoria SO HARD on this one. If I’m in the other side of the world and I see someone from a past life and I have nothing of value to say, I would prefer we ignore each other and move on. It wasn’t like they had to say hello, Kate went out of her way and I would have tried to shut the convo down as quickly as Victoria did.

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Am I the only one who thought her 10 years ago comment was a lie to downplay the interaction and move on from it? Sus

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I’m off instagram so must ask my aftershow question here - Evan, will you please scratch “I’m gonna do my..thing again” from your vocabulary and just tell us about your elite lifestyle (I kid) with abandon? We like you for you!!

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In terms of main characters; I feel like

1) Belinda - she’s our connection back to Jennifer Coolidge or you could say Coolidge’s character literally STILL IS the main character because so many story lines still wrap around this season

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Okay I feel like Sean is Laurie and Evan is his Jaclyn when Evan shares his stories about his “fabulous life” lol

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What if Kate calls Claire, and finds out the drama about Tim and his business back home? Maybe we will see Claire as a special guest in a few episodes?

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“I have.” I’m screaming 💀

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Speaking of telling dialogue vs red herrings..Chelsea has, several times across these episodes, alluded to dying/death/if it kills me...

I'll stop now lolz

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I need an internet wizard to take the scene of Victoria trying to order Thai food and STRIP it of Saxon's loud rummaging. I need that ASMR gobbledygook stat.

Also my partner speaks Thai and the gravestone in the opening credits says "white"

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Re the baby shower timing, Victoria, in her takedown, mentioned how it was ten years ago. Which adds another layer to the Leslie Bibb character archetype

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Lek’s performance opening should have been the theme song this year

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I’m actually really endeared to Rick 🫣 he clearly does not think highly of himself, and it was my impression that he projects this onto Chelsea. I would definitely love a scene of her acknowledging this in the future! He seems deeply anguished and lost because of his trauma. Obviously his mood is nastyyyyy, but maybe the messaging there is about how trauma can change, and overall stunt a person and their relationships? But can’t disagree, he’s acting like an asshole!

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