Love the pod!

One thing I think was missed in this discussion of Piper and the monks: we found “considering the year program” to be a big reveal for her storyline! We immediately thought “oh my GODDD, she has definitely NOT told her family that she’s applied to this yearlong program.”

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“Fish make me sick. It’s like where are their arms?” - give Mike White this line bc omg

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Sean, you have said Posey Parker once or twice here and there but we listen and do not judge.

Evan, outstanding callout on the Scott Galloway front, this will be fantastic watercooler chat in my team meeting this am lol.

I think Victoria’s attitude towards Tim is similar to the actress’ attitude of “yeah I know there’s something going on, but it’s in my best interest to not get involved”. If Tim would’ve put away his phone at the top of the show, he wouldn’t be implicated in any way… ignorance is bliss.

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I noticed Victoria reading the beautiful and the damned, some foreshadowing perhaps 🤔

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No mention of Victoria’s iconic red wine stained teeth 🍷

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Snapping my fingers at Scott's mention. He's possibly my favourite straight guy in media.

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i requested to follow on instagram! @jabbaghs 💙🐍

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Re the discussion of gaitok / mook: Thai is a very indirect and high context language. Ie it's not polite to be direct. So I think Sean's analysis of the relationship (she was shutting him down) reads accurately to me. She was saying you'll never leave the island/implying you can't advance with this particular dream ..you silly billy

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@josephlstodola on Instagram - close friends please

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Captivated snakes 🐍 💅🏻

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Next poll: would you rather eat a fish with arms or without?

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Sorry, that’s a red herring. We’re here to talk about White Lotus.

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Since Sean is looking for brooding brunettes for Claire Popovich casting, is Colton Cumbie (Survivor One World) a contender? 😉

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lol Evan saying (twice) that Chelsea is a disciple instead of descendant of Sanford meissner

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@asheraj on insta

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Where was Mook?? Performing at the goddamn Oscars! But kinda wish it was Sritala. Also I am also a Scott Galloway fan, One of the 5! I see someone else commented about him so there are 3 spots remaining

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If Leslie Bibb went to Maria Popovich’s baby shower weekend 10 years ago, she was 100% in Texas and knew about Trump. 🧐

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